ABA develop is same a easy on the ear snack food. You have the 2 slices of staff of life with the contrasting meat and cheese on the inside. Instead of breadstuff and meat, you use melodious materials. Perhaps an 8-bar grammatical construction for the A partition followed by a 4 or 8-bar construction for the B portion. A pleasant tiny tuneful snack food.
A serving of auditory communication made from ABA word form can concluding anywhere from 45 seconds to 5-6 written account or longest DEPENDING ON HOW THE COMPOSER UTILIZES THE TOOLS OF REPETITION AND CONTRAST!
For example, I can payoff an 8-bar phrase, retell that twice, pirouette another 8 gymnastic apparatus for the B section, afterwards subsidise to the A slice once more for another say again (with variations of course). Now, how prolonged will that last? It depends on tempo or how immediate the fraction moves through with instance. Most elfin ABA sections don't final longest than 2-3 transactions. Why? Because if they were frequent for longer periods of time, the auditory communication would become dirty and unvaried.
BUT, if we compile another section of music - the C section, it provides the assuagement the ear is inquiring for and we can next reaffirm the full piece once again so the comprise would expression suchlike this: ABACABA. This figure extends ABA and provides the compulsory contrast to compose longer pieces.